Tree Trimming


Tree Trimming

Tree Trimming Service

Tree trimming, or pruning, may seem counterproductive, however, pruning is an essential part of tree care. It is like a haircut for your trees; you are getting rid of the damaged parts and giving your tree a healthy base to help it grow. Below are some reasons to call Oakland Tree Pros to trim your trees.

  • Tree Trimming Encourages Growth

Tree trimming encourages new growth. When you prune weak or unsightly branches, your tree can devote more resources (such as water and nutrients) to other parts of the plant. These components promote regrowth in an attempt to balance the top of your tree with the existing root system. In general, new growth will appear around the cuts. As long as you don't go too far, the more you trim, the lusher your tree will grow.

  • You Can Use Trimming to Treat Disease

Trees can get sick and those diseases can quickly spread. Sometimes, pruning is the best way to treat a common tree disease, especially if that disease is a fungal infection.

  • Trimming Trees Prevents Safety Hazards

Trees can quickly pose a safety risk if they’re diseased or damaged. Dead branches can easily fall during high winds, but the risk isn’t solely limited to bad weather. Things get particularly dangerous when branches are hanging over your roof or electrical lines. Poor root growth can cause your entire tree to fall, causing catastrophic damage. Tree pruning can help prevent a safety hazard by ensuring that your tree is healthy from top to bottom.

  • Trimming Removes Unwanted Growth

Like tree trimming, tree pruning can help you remove unwanted growth—whether it’s visible foliage or part of the root system. Some people use pruning to help limit the size of their trees (a huge tree may not be the best for a small backyard). Other people use pruning to remove healthy foliage that blocks their view. Pruning may also be used to remove:

  • Roots that damage sidewalks
  • Roots that enter underground pipe systems
  • Branches that encroach on power lines 
  • Branches dangerously close to the home
  • Branches that are not aesthetically pleasing

  • Trimming Can Protect Trees from Storms

Strong balanced tree fare better in harsh winds, rainfall, and snowstorms. Pruning dead, diseased, and far-reaching branches gives your tree better structural integrity and a balanced crown. Fewer weak branches are likely to crack, fall, and cause damage when you maintain your tree well. 

To learn more about our other services, be sure to review our Tree Removal, Stump Removal and Emergency Tree Services pages.

Tree Trimming Oakland Tree Pro's


Oakland Tree Pro's Tree Trimming
Tree Trimming Oakland Tree Pro's

Call now (248) 971-2381

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