Tree Removal


Tree Removal

Tree Removal Service

Oakland Tree Pros recognizes that there are numerous reasons why a tree should be removed from your property, including storm damage, disease, structural integrity, property development, and so on.

Tree removal by amateurs can be dangerous, especially if the trees are close to your home or buildings. Our customers can be confident that we are fully insured, have years of tree removal experience, and only use high-quality machinery and rigging equipment.

Our loyal customers will attest to the fact that we treat our customer's homes with the utmost care.

Customers can also keep the wood for future use, or we can mulch it for you to use in your garden. It is important to leave the site clean.

Some reasons when it is time to remove a tree are outlined below. These indicate a tree that cannot be repaired. A tree that is suffering from one or more of these issues should be removed by a professional. Look for these indicators that a tree in your yard needs to be removed.

  • The lower trunk has cracks or breaks. If the main trunk is cracked, the tree is unhealthy and should be removed.
  • A large branch has broken away from the tree. A broken large branch or co-dominant stem frequently causes massive decay and weakness.
  • The tree is leaning towards something. A leaning tree should be removed if it is likely to fall on a person, building, power line, or roadway, or if it poses another serious threat. Leaning trees usually have broken roots and are unstable.
  • Trees with multiple trunks, co-dominant stems, and bark inclusions should all be removed.
  • Large limbs have been broken. Trees with many large damaged branches in the canopy should be considered for removal.

If you have decided to remove your tree, we highly encourage you to also remove the stump. Removing the stump at a later time will usually cost more. See our stump removal page for additional details.

We also suggest reviewing our page on tree trimming for tips on trimming and pruning to potentially avoid a dangerous tree situation in the future.

And for any urgent services please see our emergency services page.

Tree Removal Oakland Tree Pro's


Oakland Tree Pros Tree Removal
Tree Removal Oakland Tree Pros

Call now (248) 971-2381

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